What To Do For Her Birthday

Celebrating her birthday is big.  It’s a day that should make her feel special, happy, and loved by all her friends, family, and you.  We know how hard it is to come up with different ideas each year, so we’re going to give you some great options to help you make it a great day.

We’ll go over everything on our Birthday Checklist that you’ll need and give you some ideas and options for you to try and make it a fun, romantic, or just a different birthday than usual, that she’ll love.

Her Birthday Check List:

Remembering the Day (must do)

First things first, let’s get that all important date in our heads and jot it down somewhere we’ll see it and be reminded of it.  If you don’t remember it, you can always be straight up with her and just ask her, but if you feel you want to be discreet about it, your best bet is to ask her friends or family.

After you have it, make sure to put it on a Calendar, post it note, cell phone, or anywhere else that you’ll see it and be reminded of the date.

Birthday Card (must do)

You have to get at least one birthday card for her birthday.  It’s part of the birthday tradition, it’s a keepsake for her to look back on, and more importantly it lets her know you took time out for her to go get one and pick one out.

Go to the card store a few days before her birthday so that you’re not just rushing to pick up any old card and take your time choosing.  If you look good enough, you’re sure to find the right card(s) that fits just right for your relationship with her or what you feel.

A cool thing to do with Birthday Cards is to get one funny card and one romantic one to make her laugh and smile.  Another interesting thing you can try every once in awhile is if she knows another language, try writing her card in that language to surprise her.  You can go to plenty of internet sites that can help you translate your words for you and it’ll be something interesting and different to do for her.  (Affiliate with Freetranslation.com)

Just remember that the most important thing to do with the Birthday Card is to just make sure that either the words on the card reflect how you truly feel about her or that you write something on the card to make it more personal and special for her.  If you’re up to it, try doing both.

Birthday Cake & Candles (must do)

Cakes and birthdays go right together like Christmas and gifts.  Not having a birthday cake with candles to blow out on your birthday almost makes it feel like you didn’t celebrate it right.  That’s why it’s important to have some form of cake and candles ready to go on her day.

Bake or buy her favorite cake.  Make sure to get the baker to write “Happy Birthday” on the cake or buy writing gel from any supermarket, to write it on the cake yourself.  If it’s just the two of you eating the cake, try going with a small cake or a big slice of cake with a candle on it.  You can also try using Cupcakes, Hostess or Drake’s Cakes, a slice of cheesecake, or even a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup as your birthday cake and top it off with a nice candle for her to blow out.

If you’re doing something for her birthday that involves multiple people, make sure you get a cake big enough for everyone to get at least one slice.  Just make sure if her family or friends are involved, that someone else isn’t already making or has a cake for the get together.

If she’s not really into cakes, you can always go with Ice Cream cakes or any kind of dessert that she loves, topped with a candle and your attempt at singing “The Birthday Song”.  Even if you can’t sing, she’ll love that you tried and appreciate it.

A Gift (must do)

Now the gift that you give her doesn’t have to be anything extravagant.  You can do something simple and small that’ll mean something to her or you can make the gift be an event filled day.  Neither is the right or wrong way to go about it.  You can choose what best fits your relationship, your money situation, and anything else that is a deciding factor on what you do.

Here are some birthday options you can go with:

  • Take her to her favorite restaurant for lunch or dinner
  • Take her to her favorite place to go to if you haven’t been there for a while
  • If she’s into a new trend or thing, get her something related to it
  • If you know she’s been eyeing a specific type of clothing and you know her size, get it (along with a gift receipt)
  • Get her favorite dessert
  • Perfume
  • CD or DVD she may not own or a favorite of hers that just came out
  • Jewelry (earring, necklace, bracelet, anklet)
  • Go see a play, show, concert, or event that she’ll love
  • Plan a surprise party (inviting her close friends to meet you somewhere and surprising her)
  • Plan a get-away with dinner, a show, and an overnight stay away from home
  • Take her to place she’s been wanting to go to or a place she’s never been to that you know she’ll love
  • Try to remember things that she loves and do something that involves that

You can do any one of these things for a gift or even put some of them together for one.  It’s entirely up to you on how you choose to celebrate her birthday.  You know her better than us and we’re sure you’ll know what to do when it comes time to it.

But to be on the safe side fellas, here are some gifts to stay away from on her birthday:

  • Cooking material of any kind
  • Cleaning material of any kind
  • An Engagement Ring (come on now fellas, not on her birthday)

Balloons (optional)

As far as balloons go for a birthday, probably not the best idea for someone that’s over 20 years old.  If you’re having a surprise party or some kind of get together, get the balloons as decorative items in the room or place you’re located.  If you’re planning a get-away, and you have a chance to go to wherever you’re staying beforehand, set up some balloons either along the floor, bed, or anywhere in the room to surprise her as she walks in later.

Remember, you don’t want her to carry around balloons that scream Happy Birthday or anything unless you know for sure she’s into that or wants that attention as she walks around.

Flowers (optional)

Buying her flowers or roses on her birthday are a sweet gesture.  If you know her favorite type of flower, her birthday is a perfect day to get her it for her.  It’ll show you remembered which flower she loves and it also add to the gifts you give her.

Usually getting her a bouquet of flowers is nice but if it’s out of your price range, a single rose or a single flower can always do the trick.  If you want to try something different, look into our “Buying Flowers” page in our Advice section of MakingHerDay.com for the meanings of different types of flowers and find a flower she would like and you love the meaning to.

With flowers, try to give them to her before you go out somewhere at her home or yours and then leave them behind in a vase with water.  The reason is, you don’t want her to carry around flowers everywhere she’s going or to leave them behind in a car if you’re taking her out somewhere.  Your best bet is to leave them home so that she can come back to them later.