What To Do For Your Anniversary

If you’re in a serious relationship or married, most likely you have an Anniversary Date.  It’s the date of the first time you guys hung out, the first day you both made yourselves exclusive to each other, or the more important date, the day you said “I do”.  Either of those days is your anniversary date, but if you’re married, the true day that matters is the day of your wedding.

On your Anniversary, you want to make her feel special and let her know you’re happy to be her man for how ever many years you’ve been together.  Today is the day you tell her how in love you are with her and how you look forward to spending more years to come together.

We’ll show you some ways to express your love on your anniversary date and give you help on what to do to make it special.

Remember the Day

It’s a little sad that we have to put this up here to remind you to remember your Anniversary Date, but let’s be honest, how many times have we heard guys forgetting or not knowing when their anniversary is.

If you don’t know it and you’re married, ask your parents, your bestman, the bartender, or anybody that was at your wedding besides your wife to ask them if they remember the day your wedding was on.  If you’re not married and have just been dating someone for a while, be upfront about it and just say you were thinking about how long you two have been together and couldn’t remember your first date.

If you want to avoid asking anybody, see if you can trace back the months in your head by using holidays and work your way back.  Hopefully it’ll hit you and you can write it down somewhere.

Get an Anniversary Card

A few days before your Anniversary, head to a card store or two and look for a card that you feel reflects your thoughts and what you feel for her.  For an anniversary card, you’re gonna want to try to stay with a “Romantic” type of card.  If you do want to get a card that’s funny, that’s entirely up to you, but then I would recommend getting a second card that is a little romantic and sweet.

The main reason you want to get a romantic card is to show that your love for her is real and genuine.  Especially on an anniversary, you want to let her know that the love you have for her isn’t a joke.  Sure you like making her smile with a joke or being silly around her, but save that for later during your day, while you’re enjoying your anniversary together.

Getting her a Gift

For an anniversary gift, you can do many different things. You can get together with her and plan something to celebrate it like going away for a weekend or having dinner at the restaurant you had your first date at.  Maybe go see a play, a show, a concert or anything you both would like to do together, go do it.  Just make sure you do all that you can to see and be with her that day.

For an anniversary you can work together since the gift is for both of you to share.  However, if you still want to do something on your own for her, here are some other ideas to try if you’re married or in a relationship.

  • Take her to her favorite restaurant
  • If she’s into a new trend or thing, get her something related to it
  • If you know she’s been eyeing a specific type of clothing and you know her size, get it (along with a gift receipt)
  • Jewelry (earring, necklace, bracelet, anklet)
  • Go see a play, show, concert, or event that she’ll love
  • Plan a get-away with dinner, a show, and an overnight stay away from home
  • Take her to place she’s been wanting to go to or a place she’s never been to that you know she’ll love

If you’re married, there are some traditions that come along with anniversaries.  There are traditional gifts but also modern day gifts for each year that you celebrate together.  You don’t necessarily have to follow these gift ideas to the “T” but if you’re out of ideas, it’s a good place to look.

(For more gift ideas and Traditional & Modern Day Anniversary Gifts, see our “Gift Ideas” page in our Ideas section)

Flowers (optional)

Getting her flowers or roses for your anniversary is a sweet gesture.  If you know her favorite type of flower, get her a bouquet that includes that flower or get a single one of it for her.

If you want to try something different for this anniversary, look into our “Buying Flowers” page in our Advice section of MakingHerDay.com for the meanings of different types of flowers and find a flower she would like and you love the meaning to.

Just remember, with flowers, if you’re going out somewhere, you’ll want to try to give them to her before you go so that you can leave them behind in a vase with water.  You don’t want her to carry around flowers everywhere and you leave a chance of them dying sooner if you take them with you.  Your best option is to leave them home so that she can come back to them later.