Things To Do While In A Relationship

After dating for a few months or more, you’ll be able to determine whether or not you have someone you can build a relationship or something special with.  You’ll continue seeing each other more and more, sharing, and enjoying your time together while growing as a couple.

It’s during this time where the true person you are and true person that she is shows the most.  Going through life’s ups and downs together, taking things day by day, and learning about each other through the good and bad is where you’ll both see the potential in each other to be together for a long time.

Enjoy each day together, but more importantly, let her know and show her what she means to you.  Do the little things, tell her what you feel, and follow your feelings.  By doing that, you’ll be able to do all that you can to keep a lasting relationship and we’ll help show you how.

Honesty & Trust

The most important thing you can have in a relationship is honesty and trust in each other.  Without either of those important traits in your partner or your partner having that in you, can cause your relationship to deteriorate and possibly end.

Always be upfront and honest with yourself and your partner regarding your feelings and thoughts.  If either of you are hiding the truth from one another, you both can end up doing more damage later, when the truth eventually does come out.  If neither of you are being honest or truthful, your relationship and growth as a couple will suffer.

If you feel you don’t trust your partner enough or you’re not being honest enough with your partner, have a serious talk regarding the topic and see if it can be worked out.  Try having each others point of view understood and try working it out together.

Doing The Little Things

In the beginning, when we’re first getting to know the girl we’re in a relationship with, we’re excited to see her and put our best effort into just about everything that we do.  But then as time goes on, you start becoming comfortable and slowly stop doing those little things that you used to do when you first started dating.

Compliment her on how beautiful she looks, take her out on a date every once and a while, and be there for her when she needs you.   These are all little ways of making her feel special and it lets her know that she is important to you and means something to you.

If you see her regularly or you see her every now and then, take the time to make sure she’s doing ok.  Call her or when you see her, ask about things that are going on in her life such as school, work, or anything that she’s involved in.  If you know she’s stressed about something, send her a little message saying everything’s going to be ok or say something positive to keep her going.

Just remember to be there for her when she needs you, continue being that man she loves, and keep doing those little things that made her fall in love with you in the first place.

Saying: “I Love You”

If you’re ready and know in your heart that you’re in love, let her know.  There’s absolutely nothing wrong with admitting how you feel to someone, but just understand that those feelings may not be the other person’s feelings at the moment also.

The best way to let her know is by talking to her face to face.  Saying I love you to someone for the first time should be meaningful and not done via a text message, I.M., or email.  The best thing for you to do is to wait until the next time you see her and striking up a conversation about your time together with her and letting her know how you feel.

If you haven’t reached the point where you know if you’re in love or not, don’t rush that feeling to come and let it happen on its own time.  Sometimes chemistry with a person works that way or maybe you’re not ready for that step in the relationship just yet.  Take your time and be honest with yourself and her if she asks you if you’re in love.  Don’t say that you’re in love with someone if you know for sure that you aren’t or if you’re not certain either.  Wait until you know you’re there.

Show Her Your Love & Appreciation

Now that you’re together, try doing things like surprising her just because you’re in the mood to.  Enjoy doing holidays together and try making them special for each other.  On special days like her Birthday, your Anniversary date, or any other symbolic day you have with her, be sure to remember the day and do something to let her know that date means something to you too.

If you need help with any of these ideas of what to do, check our other sections of that deal with those specific topics.  Our “Just Because” section can help you with surprising her and our “Special Days” & “Holidays” sections can help with what to do on those days.

But always remember, showing her your love and appreciation isn’t about doing something special or buying something.  It’s about being there and appreciating your relationship for what it is.

Time Together & Apart

Another key thing to remember when you’re in a relationship is giving each other space and time for each other.  It’s a true balancing act that varies from couple to couple and is something you should keep in mind.  Some couples enjoy spending everyday together while others like to see each other a few days a week and neither is the right or wrong way to be.  There shouldn’t be a specific amount of time that you give each other but be sure to accommodate each others space and time for themselves.

If the person you’re with has a lot of friends, likes reading, or usually has a busy schedule, be sure to give them time for themselves.  Ask them if maybe there’s a certain day or two that they want just to themselves and work off that.  The same should go for you.  If you know there’s days were you want to meet up with the fellas or you just want time for yourself, be sure to get that.  Time apart lets you still have your own life and gives you a chance to miss each other.

At the same time, make sure that you do give each other time together also.  Set up certain days for each other and do something those days.  Maybe one of those nights can be dedicated to eating out, a movie night, or just time spent together playing a board game.  As long as you’re together and you’re both happy with the amount of time you see each other, you’ll be perfectly fine.