Things to do on the first date

So she said yes to a date!  But now what!?!?!?  This could possibly be the first step towards a great relationship with someone or just a fun time hanging out with someone special.  Either way, we’re going to help you do your all to make it a great 1st date.  After all, if your 1st date goes well, more than likely you’ll get an opportunity for a 2nd, maybe even a 3rd, and who knows from there.  In time, if things go well and work out, you can start to build something special over time with that person that can last forever.

In our experiences, we’ve had our share of great 1st dates and definitely our share of bad ones too.  We’ve gone on dates with someone we met through a friend’s hook up, a girl we met briefly someplace, a girl we met over the internet, and all the way to the girl we’ve known for a while.

With all our experiences combined, here are some of our 1st Date Ideas along with who their best fit for, if it’s a good idea for you, and why.

Type of Dates:

The Coffee Date:

(Starbucks type place or Diner) The coffee date is more for people your not too sure about, don’t know well enough yet, or for someone you want to meet briefly due to time constraints or conflicting schedules. The coffee date is usually no more than an hour or shorter and is best for someone you barely know or maybe as a first place to meet someone from the internet or a blind date.

The Casual Date:

(Lunch, Dinner, or Bar/Lounge with good music that’s not too loud) A casual date is the normal date that everyone does. It’s the usual go to a restaurant have dinner, drinks, and conversations and then go home or meeting up at a small lounge for a drink or two with conversation. Casual dates are usually good for just about anyone.  It’s comfortable, easy going, and cool but if you’re trying to stand out and be a little different, you might want to try something else.

The Fun Date:

(Arcade (Dave & Buster’s type), Pool Hall, Walking around a Park, Beach, or Mall (on a hot day or warm evening), Dessert Place, Bar or Lounge with music that’s not too loud, museum, street fair, miniature golf, or a county fair.) Fun Dates can be fun and memorable for the both of you. Instead of just sitting down and talking, you can interact with each other and concentrate on other things than what to say next. If your date is the type to take on a challenge, play against her in something with a friendly bet. If your date is a bit timid, team up with her in a game, take her out on a walk somewhere, or go to a place you’ll know she’ll love to make sure she’ll have a great time. Fun dates are good for just about everyone and anyone. Just try to make sure she’s into the place you want to take her or activity you want to do beforehand.

The “I Listen to You” 1st Date:

Think back to your conversations you’ve had with this person you’re taking out. Is there a place she’s always wanted to check out, or a place she hasn’t been to in a long time? Is she into a certain type of hobby that just so happens to have a related store or place to it? There are countless ways to go about this. Just pay attention to what she says during your conversations and if something comes up like a place or thing to do, think about trying to incorporate it into your 1st Date. If not, always, keep those ideas in the back of your mind for later dates down the line. These are great 1st dates for anyone and it shows you listen and care to her likes and dislikes.

The Do Not Do 1st Date Recommendations:

(Movies, Big Club, Bar or Lounge with Music Blasting, a Weekend Get-Away, and dinner with your family or friends of any kind.)  Do these dates only due to certain circumstances. With maybe the exception of going to the movies, these all are definite don’ts for meeting someone new.

If there’s a great movie coming out and you both can’t stop talking about seeing it, sure…..go for it.  But for a 1st date, you want to make sure you get an opportunity to talk to each other. If you do go to the movies and you have time, try to set up something before or afterwards to sit down and talk a little.

Everything else is an extreme no-no.

Always Keep in Mind:

When you meet someone for the 1st time, you want to be able to sit down in front of them or be close enough to them to have a conversation without having to yell over too much noise or music.  The object of the 1st date is to try and get to know them to see if there’s an interest or “connection” there to continue seeing each other.  Try making your first date as fun and interesting as possible for you and your date.  You can definitely incorporate some of the casual date ideas like dinner or a lounge into your 1st date but try to stay away from just doing the normal casual date by itself unless that’s what she wants or all that your schedules permit.

Remember, you want to try and separate yourself from the rest of these guys out there so dress nice and fashionably, don’t be late, come up with a nice first date, listen to her when she speaks, and more importantly, relax, smile,  and have fun.

(For ideas on where to go for your 1st Date, See our “Places to Go”  in the Ideas section of